Tuesday 20 September 2011

Just because someone tells you that you can't do something doesn't mean you have to listen...

So, firstly, I would like to say sorry. It's been well over a month since I last posted. There were several reasons for my departure; I now understand what 'being a blogger' really involves. I thought it was all a bit of fun but you're always going to get people that takes things a step too far, basically a few silly words from someone and I was off!

Anyway, I'm back! I've been up and down the past few weeks and today I decided that I'm going to make a fresh start, get organised and get happy! I logged on to here earlier today to find the most amazing figure of viewers; I couldn't believe that people have still been looking at my blog and I've not even been around! I've had so many people over the past few weeks asking me when I was going to be posting again and urging me to come back on here and it's finally worked!

Not everyone is going to like me or my blog, and I've now got over it! Time to focus on the people that DO like it!

I've had so much I could have been posting about in the past few weeks, I'm gutted I haven't! Fashion is SO good right now, Autumn/Winter clothing is my absolute favourite - although I love the nice weather (not that we've really had much this year!), I think fashion is at its best this time of the year.

I've been so bored lately all I've been doing is browsing the stores online, can't wait to share some amazing pieces with you all! What has everyone else been up to whilst I've been gone? Remember to leave your comments! :)

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